Wearing the Sensor

Wearing the Sensor

Your sun-a-wear sensor comes with two clips to attach it to your clothing. It is important that it is worn in a place that is exposed to the sun. Only in this way can it reflect the intensity of the sun's rays that really affects the wearer. Ideally, you should attach the sun-a-wear sensor to a spot that has maximum exposure to the sun.

The clip

You can use the clip to attach your sun-a-wear sensor to your clothing or bag. To do this place the clip on the back of the sensor and turn it counterclockwise. You can then attach the clip to a well-exposed spot (e.g. on the collar, on the hat or on top of the backpack).

The bracelet

Another easy way to wear your sun-a-wear sensor is to slide it onto a watchband or any other wristband. Pay attention that the sensor is not covered by sleeves or is facing the ground.


  • Make sure that the sensor is not covered by clothing.
  • Make sure that the surface of the sensor is clean and that no sunscreen gets on the sensor. This can falsify the measurement. If the sensor is dirty, it can simply be washed off with soap and water.
  • Be careful not to cover the sensor for too long or face it away from the sun while you are in direct sun exposure. While the sensor and app use clever algorithms to figure out when the sensor isn't directly exposed to the sun, if sun-a-wear is in the shade all the time, we don't have a chance to properly assist you.

See also:

Should you not find what you are looking for here, please write us a message. We will try to help you as soon as possible.

Swiss quality
Every sensor was developed and manufactured in Switzerland.
Buy without risk
If you don't like your sensor, you can easily return it up to 30 days after purchase.
Strengthen awareness
By setting a good example, 
you are helping to protect others!