Quick Start

Quick Start
  • Download the sun-a-wear\ app from the Android play store or the Apple app store. Alternatively, you can click on the following link with your smartphone: https://onelink.to/sun-a-wear
  • Read through the 4 important points in the dialog when you start the app for the first time.
  • Grant the app the necessary permissions for location polling and location polling in the background. The app cannot function without this.
  • Add your sensor in the sun-a-wear app. See also: Adding a Sensor.
  • Set the skin type of the person who will wear the sensor. Determine the UV Dose Limit.
  • Attach the sun-a-wear sensor to a well-exposed part of your body using the wristband or clip.
  • As soon as you go outside with the sensor, it will start measuring and send the measurements to your smartphone.

See also:

Should you not find what you are looking for here, please write us a message. We will try to help you as soon as possible.

Swiss quality
Every sensor was developed and manufactured in Switzerland.
Buy without risk
If you don't like your sensor, you can easily return it up to 30 days after purchase.
Strengthen awareness
By setting a good example, 
you are helping to protect others!